Enterprise risk management
Identifying and mitigate the risks surrounding your business
Nowadays, business environment changing is the only constant seen by managers. The board of directors, their risks committee and the front-line managers are called:
• To set up their risk governance posture.
• Establish specific strategic objectives and disclose their appetite for the risks associated with these objectives
• Implement and maintain a formal risk management system to identify and mitigate risks
The experienced ABS team will assist you in establishing or improving a risk management system to enable you to achieve your strategic objectives.
Through a tailor-made approach, our consultants can help you by using a combination of resources to:
• Create and strengthen a risk management culture
• Make your employees adhere to your risk appetite
• Develop and use a system for identifying risks, measuring the impact and implementing activities that are supposed to deal with these risks.
The ABS team will work closely with managers and their staff to identify, develop and integrate the risk management system into the overall governance process